Schedule of Training for Winter/Spring
A1- Gen Warm-up ( 5 min)
(400m Run, 500m Row, 3 Min Jump Roping)
Purpose to raise core temp
A2- Foam Roll/ Lacrosse Ball/Med Ball ( 5 min)
Loosen any adhesions, knots,Scar Tissue
A3- Sport Specific Warm-up ( 5-10 min)
(DROM, Hip Mobility,Specific Muscles)
Preparing the body with Hip Mobility DROM, the hip is used in most exercises,
tight hips=bad performance and possible injury.
All Warm-ups consist of a push-pull and opening of hip movements
Sport Specific by preparing specific body parts for the movements in todays training.
A4- Optional Warm-up ( 5-10 min)
(Goat Training, Weakness Training)
Working a weakness in your training as a warm-up (ex. Tabata DU's or Muscle Ups)
B1- PowerLift/Olylift ( 12-20 min)
( Upper/Lower/Total Split or Push/Pull/Legs)
Most important part of the training, STRENGTH.
Working on a Lift either at a (5-5-5-3-3) or (3-3-3-1-1)
Work on Parts of Technique Lifts( Snatch Balance, Snatch Deadlifts, etc...)
B2-Optional Dynamic Training ( 10-15 min)
Pick a lift use 50% 1 rep max, focus on explosiveness
Box Jumps, Band Sprints, Sprints
Add into Program 1 or 2, if so SKIP METCON.
C1- Metcon (5-15min)
If doing all the above, focus on bodyweight movements
1 or less compound movements
also can be weakness training by throwing a weakness into the WOD.
D1-Accessory Work ( 10-20 min)
(Core Training, Grip Training)
Circuit of Ab work, ( EX. 5 rds of 30 Abmat situps,20 GHD,10 Toes to bar, 30 sec l-sit holds)
Extra Isolation Strength Work. (Shoulder, Good Mornings...)
Farmers walks, rope climbs because of the amount of stress on the forearms, this is a good to save
for the end.
E1- Post Stretch
(Foam Roll,Lacrosse Ball,Medball,PNF Stretch)
E1- Post Stretch
(Foam Roll,Lacrosse Ball,Medball,PNF Stretch)